The advantage involved in the ease of advertisement and maintaining a website can also prove to be a disadvantage. This is because there are many sites that deal with the same topics or products. They are designed quite similar, and host contents that are not very different. Hence, maintaining a web presence that is interesting and relevant at all times is quite a challenge. Do not restrict to just creating and managing a site that may offer everything a user would want. Rather, try to scale the length and breadth of the web to see where your unique signature mark can be registered and made known to the user. With the amount of content being loaded onto the web every day, a user may not easily find you after a few days of your website being launched.
Going in for interactive media and methods of renewing your content is the best way to keep user interest alive. Add a blog space to your website and invite people to post their comments. Be regular in updating information on your site. Even if there is nothing new, incorporate changes and ensure that your contents do not have a stale look. Keep abreast of the latest happenings in the economic, political and social spheres. Relate your services, product or theme in general to the relevant happenings. Pose questions or statements that induce people to comment and keep the discussion alive. Develop a section for the latest testimonials from people who have used the product or services. Creating leads through free articles, eBooks and content are effective ways in generating traffic and keeping your site in people’s memory. People tend to pay more attention to content that appears to be relevant, well analyzed, and up-to-date. Generating free newsletters on a weekly or fortnightly basis, providing concise information and sending through e-mails keep you in regular contact with the clients. Register your site with online business directories which are most visited by users.
Work actively in directing flow from other sites to yours. Be a regular contributor on blogs related to social networking. Research and write articles for sites that host free articles. Develop and sponsor small contents for other websites that may be related to yours in any way. While on the web, leave ample clues and hints for others to trace you. Include your official web address in your e-mails, blogs and any content that you put anywhere on the web. Research the most popular community sites that may be related to your field, and regularly post content that is relevant and fresh. Assertively introduce new viewpoints on blog discussions that make people notice you.
Having more than one website, each dedicated to different types of products, may also help in maximizing web presence. The products put up should be quite different from each other and should have a standing of their own. These are especially useful in avoiding a single highly complex and congested website which may deter the client from exploring deeper. Such sites may be interlinked with each other, depending on the type of commonality they share.
Animations, videos clips, and graphics should be clear, running for an appropriate time frame and occupying optimum space. They should be suitably replaced at regular intervals without changing the overall layout.
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